
Transform your surfaces with our cutting-edge electrostatic powder coating process. Our specially crafted paint combines a unique resin formula, delivering unparalleled hardness that surpasses traditional architectural paints. Terrain Paints are meticulously designed for coating aluminum profiles in architecture and various substrates demanding ultimate outdoor resilience. Experience the difference with our powder coating, formulated with high-quality polyester resins and completely free of TGIC, pigments, and additives. This advanced formulation ensures outstanding exterior durability, boasting remarkable gloss retention and color stability. Elevate your projects with a finish that not only meets but exceeds the demands of the great outdoors. Choose excellence, choose Terrain Paints for lasting protection and aesthetic appeal.
All Products are guaranteed for a period of five (5) years for domestic use and two (2) years for non-domestic use in normal conditions of use and maintenance, except lamps, batteries, cushions, covers, and fabrics. Lamps have a guarantee of two (2) years for domestic use and one (1) year for non-domestic use, except consumables and batteries. This guarantee does not apply to faults or imperfections resulting from the passage of time or normal wear and tear (changes in wood texture, fading or change in shade of colors, chips, scratches, etc.). For pavilions and pergolas, KETTAL does not guarantee the Product if it is not properly anchored.
Clean with non-corrosive, non-abrasive products. Scouring pads and high-pressure cleaners must not be used. Depending on the temperature and concentration, different kinds of acidic or alkali materials can damage or harm the surface after just a few minutes’ contact.